
solution to vagrant up -> "The host class is reporting that NFS is not supported by this host"

got this error running vagrant up:
ajt@ajtNbMint /media/c/ajt/edu/20122/eng100l/github/whwn $ vagrant up
[default] VM already created. Booting if it's not already running...
The host class is reporting that NFS is not supported by this host,
or `nfsd` may not be installed. Please verify that `nfsd` is installed
on your machine, and retry.

in linux, i solved this by opening synaptic package manager and installing "nfs-kernel-server"

too late for me to try now, but i have a feeling that running this in a terminal would work too:
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

in windows, change the vagrantfile so you use virtualbox's shared folders instead of nfs, by setting nfs=>false:
config.vm.share_folder "blah", "~/blah", ".", :extra => 'dmode=755,fmode=644', :nfs => false